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Parent & Child

22 posts
lifestyle parenting
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Is Santa Claus Real?

When the time comes to rip the band-aid, some parents find it simpler to explain that Santa isn’t real, whereas others find it too difficult, to tell the truth. One day, your kids will inevitably conclude that Santa is a myth, but till then, here’s how you can broach the matter while preserving the festive spirit.
lifestyle parenting
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Simple Conversation Starters to Teach Kids About Money

Money management is an essential life skill that takes time and patience to master. That’s why it’s important for parents to instil basic financial concepts in their children at a young age. By teaching your kids about the fundamentals of money and finances, you can establish a solid financial foundation that positions your children to be successful later in life.
lifestyle parenting
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The Right Winter Care For Kids When It Gets Cold

Winter is a time associated with cold, cough, dry skin, and chapped lips. Little kids too suffer from various cold-related seasonal afflictions that can be irritating, especially for young infants. Dr Rahul Adsul shares some basic winter care tips that can keep your child healthy and prevent problems associated with this season.

Engage Kids With Diwali Prep – Here’s Why 

Diwali is a busy time for Indian families. But before the festivities begin, there is a lot of preparation to be done around the house. Sidhi Kapoor shares why she believes kids must always be involved in Diwali prep and how she keeps her children busy during the festival season.
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