

11 posts
lifestyle parenting
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Apps That Assist Parents

Worrying about your children is natural but running around them to ensure their safety becomes tedious and exhausting. With advancements in technology, let technology be your “third eye.” Here are a few parental control apps to use right now.
lifestyle parenting
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Is Santa Claus Real?

When the time comes to rip the band-aid, some parents find it simpler to explain that Santa isn’t real, whereas others find it too difficult, to tell the truth. One day, your kids will inevitably conclude that Santa is a myth, but till then, here’s how you can broach the matter while preserving the festive spirit.
lifestyle parenting
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Life In A Bookland With Reha Prasher

Sometimes some stories cast a profound impact on the reader, not because they have been written in flowery language but because they have a personal narrative attached to them. From reading literary texts, stories, and novels in childhood to publishing her debut novel, Reha Prasher talks about her first love: literature, and how it painted her life in myriad colours.
lifestyle parenting
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Interactive Toys for Kids

This is a generation of “big boys’ toys,” but in the hurry of our modern lives, we should not forget how important interaction is for our kids. Here is a list of some interactive toys to keep your child entertained throughout the day.
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