
Team DAP

29 posts
lifestyle parenting
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All Life Begins in Water

TV personality and creative director Chloe Qureshi believes being a mother is a sweet joy. She shares an enduring bond with her husband, Aslam Qureshi. In an exclusive interview with Team DAP, she discusses choosing natural birthing for their daughter, Aayatt, who drives away the blues in their lives.
lifestyle parenting
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Simple Conversation Starters to Teach Kids About Money

Money management is an essential life skill that takes time and patience to master. That’s why it’s important for parents to instil basic financial concepts in their children at a young age. By teaching your kids about the fundamentals of money and finances, you can establish a solid financial foundation that positions your children to be successful later in life.
lifestyle parenting
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A Year Around The Sun With Our Baby, Nihira 

The first year with your child comes with many sweet memories that you cherish for a lifetime - from their first step to their first word, and even their first birthday. Piyush and Yamini Aggarwal share what their first year with baby Nihira has been like.
lifestyle parenting
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The Right Winter Care For Kids When It Gets Cold

Winter is a time associated with cold, cough, dry skin, and chapped lips. Little kids too suffer from various cold-related seasonal afflictions that can be irritating, especially for young infants. Dr Rahul Adsul shares some basic winter care tips that can keep your child healthy and prevent problems associated with this season.
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