
Best Ways to Celebrate a Pet-Friendly Diwali

Make sure Diwali is as joyous for your four-legged babies, as it is for you. Keep these simple tips in mind to ensure your furry friends feel safe and can enjoy the festival just like every other member of the family.
lifestyle parenting

By PawPurrfect

Diwali is not just a festival of lights, it is a celebration of love, life, and all the good it has to offer. The positive energy in the atmosphere reduces sorrow and ignites hope. Festivals are incomplete without our loved ones, especially our loving pets. But we tend to forget that some of our festivals, like Diwali, can cause them a lot of discomfort. The loud noises and flashing lights of the fireworks can be mentally and physically distressing to pets and other creatures in the surrounding area. They will find places to hide in while we joyously celebrate the festival. 

However, things could be better if we found ways to bid goodbye to the hiding, running around in panic, and crying, isn’t it? An eco-friendly, pet-friendly Diwali is the solution to these problems. Gear up to celebrate a loving Diwali with your furry babies this season!

Paw Diwali
Best Ways to Celebrate a Pet-Friendly Diwali 9

Keep Away the Noise

Since your pets’ hearing is enhanced during this time of the year, firecracker noises can be deafening. Keep all the doors and windows shut. To further block out any loud noise and vibrations, use earmuffs, extra blankets and pillows. Avoid keeping them chained outside to minimise anxiety.

Say NO to Firecrackers

Diwali – the festival of lights, not unnecessary noise and smoke! Celebrate this Diwali without firecrackers because it increases noise and air pollution. Animals are afraid of light and fire, and firecrackers are bound to frighten them. If they are terrified or anxious, reassure them with kind words and cuddles to make them feel safe. For those who still wish to burn firecrackers, make sure your pets and stray animals are not anywhere nearby. Animals on the road that don’t have a home are the ones most affected by these loud noises, so please ensure you aren’t harming them in any way.

Diwali Gift and Dog
Best Ways to Celebrate a Pet-Friendly Diwali 10

Eco-Friendly Decor

Earthen lamps or Diyas are a green choice good for the environment and your pets. Decorate your house for Diwali while keeping pets safe at all times. However, your pet may try to grab the lamp if it is placed too close to them, so ensure the required distance between the two.

Pets Do Not Need Sweets

Common ingredients of Indian sweets like sugar, artificial sweeteners, chocolates, nuts, and raisins are all toxic for your furry friend. But what are festivals without sweets? You can opt for pet-friendly sweets or treats that are best suited for your pet.

Good Food = Good Mood

Diwali can be stressful, but nothing a good bowl of their favourite food can’t fix! This helps reduce their anxiety and stress a little. You can also add a small amount of hemp seed oil to their food to help reduce tension. Your pet absolutely deserves their favourite delicacies, but only in moderation. Stress-eating can quickly lead to overfeeding or obesity, especially during a period of decreased activity.

Fun and Games

Keep earmuffs, good music, and their favourite toys handy. This will keep them occupied and at ease. If your little pooch enjoys watching TV with you, that is a brilliant way to divert their attention from fear and sorrow. Indoor games can help too.

Morning Walks

Since taking a walk in the evening is not an option, take a walk with your furry friend in the morning when there are lesser odds of firecrackers burning. The calm and quiet morning walks will make them feel safe and at ease. Not to mention, they get in their required dose of exercise.

Safe and Sound

In this time of distress, your pet needs you the most. They need you to comfort them when they are feeling vulnerable and scared. The key is to keep them indoors and around you at all times. In case of loud noise, attend to their needs and have your presence make them feel safe and cared for.

Emergency Pet Care Kit

Don’t let this scare you – it is only a precaution. Keep an emergency kit on hand with all the necessities including prescribed medicines, instruments, and a guide to care for your pet until the vet arrives. 

Kindness is Never Not Needed

Your pet as well as other animals on the street deserve your kindness during this time. Offer food, clean water, and a safe shelter for them to rest. They are just as afraid and susceptible to the diverse effects of firecrackers. Find a safe corner for them and try to ease their anxiety, especially for stray animals on the road.

Dispose Waste Properly

After the party, remember to discard any leftover trash from the fireworks, decorations, etc. Since they can be lethal if your dog or cat inhales them, try to dispose of them in a location out of your pet’s reach.

Make Your Pooch a Part of Diwali

Celebrate Diwali with your entire family, especially your furry family. Watch them enjoy pet-friendly food like peanut butter ladoos or their preferred treats. The finest treats are those that are made entirely of fresh, human-grade ingredients, contain prebiotics, care for the skin and coat, are anti-inflammatory, and have no artificial flavourings or additives. Prebiotics and hemp seed oil are great additions to pet treats since they help soothe animals and maintain their digestive health. Take pictures, play around – you know the drill!

Rest assured, with these simple and effective measures, you will have a prosperous, safe and happy festival with your full family. Pro-tip: Pamper your little pooch and get them festive-ready with Pawpurrfect’s grooming services, they deserve to feel pretty too!

Make diwali easier for pets
Best Ways to Celebrate a Pet-Friendly Diwali 11
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