The Best Exercises to Induce Labor Naturally

Looking for a safe and natural way to induce labor? Squats, pelvic tilts, and other low-impact exercises may help you kick start the process.

By the end of the third trimester, most parents-to-be are pretty anxious to get the show on the road. "[Many people] feel uncomfortable being pregnant and want to be un-pregnant," explains Joyce Gottesfeld, MD, OB-GYN for Kaiser Permanente in Denver.

If their due date passes without any hint of labor approaching, some people consider taking things into their own hands by trying to induce labor themselves. In fact, at that point, many pregnant people are looking for ways to go into labor immediately. They might turn to exercise to induce labor—but is this safe, and does it really work?

Here's everything you need to know about using exercise to induce labor, plus seven exercises you can try at home.

When Is It Safe to Use Exercise to Induce Labor?

While you may be anxious to meet your little bundle of joy (or to end your pregnancy), you shouldn't try to induce labor too soon. If you are 39 weeks—or more—you may want to talk to your doctor, midwife, or health care provider about the potential benefits of using exercise to induce labor.

"It's important for every pregnant person to discuss labor induction and plans to attempt it at home with their physician," says Ilana Ressler, MD, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist with Illume Fertility in Connecticut. Dr. Ressler also adds that anyone who has increased pregnancy or medical risks should avoid trying to kick-start labor themselves.

What Are the Benefits?

In addition to potentially inducing labor, there are some other benefits to prenatal exercise. Namely, exercises which are aimed to induce labor can also encourage baby into position and can improve the alignment of the pregnant person's body.

"For a low-risk person, exercise (or movement in general) and paying attention to your posture and alignment is one of the most important things you can do," explains Ashley Brichter, founder and CEO of Birth Smarter, a company that offers in-person and virtual childbirth classes for expectant parents.

Ilana Ressler, MD

It's important for every pregnant person to discuss labor induction and plans to attempt it at home with their physician.

— Ilana Ressler, MD

She adds that, for labor to start off well and continue to progress, it's best for the baby to be in the optimal position (head down and ideally facing your back with their chin tucked). Pregnant people should also encourage proper body alignment to achieve more space in their lower back, which allows the baby to rotate and descend.

"What I would look for is just postural work, and trying to bring some balance into the body and pelvis," says Brichter. The following movements might be able to help prime your body for labor.

Pregnant person sitting on a birthing ball

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The 7 Best Exercises to Induce Labor

Let's be clear: There is no proven method for safely inducing labor at home, but there are some things you can do to help prime your body for labor and encourage your baby to get in the optimal position. Will it happen tonight? Maybe, maybe not, but trying out these exercise to go into labor can help prime your body for the real thing.

As always, be sure to talk to your prenatal care provider before you try any type of labor-inducing activity at home. When you're ready and you've been cleared, here are some activities you can try to get ready for delivery.

1. Parallel your feet

"A lot of pregnant people splay their feet wide, but bringing their toes parallel can help separate the sitz bones," says Brichter. This finds more space in their lower back, which makes labor and delivery easier.

2. Maintain alignment

Instead of pushing your belly forward when standing, stay aligned with your hips over your ankles. This stance—which is easy to take while doing dishes, standing in line at the grocery store, etc.—encourages the baby to move into the proper position. Similarly, try not to slouch when you're sitting down, says Brichter.

3. Sit on a birthing ball

According to Brichter, sitting on an exercise or birthing ball in neutral wide-legged positions prepares the body for labor by increasing blood flow, opening the pelvis, and encouraging cervical dilation. You can also try birth ball exercises such as circular hip rotations, rocking, and gentle bouncing.

4. Do pelvic tilts

During vaginal delivery, your pelvic bones pull away and separate to accommodate your baby's head. Keep the joints loose by completing pelvic tilt exercises.

Here's one way to do them: Lying on your back, place your feet flat against the floor and bend your knees. Slowly lift the pelvis until it becomes parallel with your torso. Hold for 10 seconds, return to your starting position, and repeat several times.

5. Assume the butterfly pose

You might recognize the butterfly pose from dance or yoga class, but did you know it can increase flexibility in your pelvic joints, improve blood flow, and make childbirth easier? To get into the pose, sit upright on the floor, and bring the soles of your feet together while bending the knees. Pull your feet toward your body to feel a stretch in your hips and inner thighs. Don't forget to breathe into it.

6. Go on a walk

Maintaining a regular exercise routine, including low-impact cardio like walking, has many benefits throughout pregnancy. But walking can also be used as an exercise to induce labor since it helps with cervical effacement and dilation and allows the baby to drop in the pelvis. Walking might also ease some of your anxiety surrounding labor and delivery.

7. Perform lunges

Lunges stretch the hips and open the pelvis, which helps the baby move into the ideal birthing position. Here's how to do them: Stand up straight, then take a big step forward with one leg, keeping your knee over your ankle. The other leg should drop so it's parallel to the ground. Push back up to starting position, then repeat with the other leg.

Other Ways to Naturally Induce Labor

As you wait to go into labor, you will probably encounter some recommendations that obviously have been passed down through the ages. For example, some of the folklore methods of labor induction including eating spicy food or driving on a bumpy road. There's no evidence that those are reliable methods for inducing labor. However, several other natural methods might actually help the hasten the end of pregnancy.

Sexual intercourse

Sex as a way to start labor is an old method. One study found that regular sex at the end of pregnancy does lower the risk of being past your due date. Now the big question—why does sex supposedly bring on labor? Is it the act of sex? Is it the semen that contains prostaglandins that ripen your cervix? Is it the oxytocin released during orgasm? Research hasn't provided any answers.

Nipple stimulation

Nipple stimulation is an old form of induction that can be done by manual, oral, or mechanical methods—you can enlist the help of your partner, do it yourself, or even use a pump if you have one. Some practitioners feel that this gentle release of oxytocin from the body can ease into contractions for many parents. While there are some positive research results, more research is needed to show it is foolproof.

Castor oil

Drinking castor oil, or even rubbing it on the skin, is said to bring about contractions by stimulating the bowels. Irritated bowels supposedly cause labor contractions to ensue. While researchers can't agree if this really works or not, the side effects can be nasty, including diarrhea and vomiting. Be sure to check with your practitioner about this method of induction.


Relaxation can be very helpful for some people toward the end of pregnancy, whether you want to induce labor or just calm your nerves as you get ready to welcome a new baby. This is merely a way to help release tension and worries, particularly those surrounding birth and parenting. There are some pre-written scripts out there to guide you or you can simply take time our of your day to relax is your favorite way. These are not harmful and even if they do not start labor, they can help aid in relaxation and a feeling of calm about your upcoming birth.

Who Shouldn't Use Exercise to Induce Labor?

While experts often recommend regular exercise for low-risk pregnant people, ACOG suggests discontinuing if you experience certain symptoms while exercising, including:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Calf pain or swelling
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Fluid leaking
  • Headache
  • Muscle weakness affecting balance
  • Regular, painful contractions
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vaginal bleeding

Always talk about your plans to induce or encourage labor through exercise with your health care provider, especially if you have a high-risk pregnancy. Consider discussing your plans with a physical therapist as well.

"Midwives and OB-GYNs are very good at keeping pregnant people safe, but they aren't necessarily experts at the body's structure," says Brichter. "Somebody thinking about using movement and exercise in labor might want to talk with a physical therapist."

Key Takeaways

Although exercise can prepare the body for labor and delivery, it's not a well-proven method of induction. "If someone is interested in attempting labor induction, it is best to discuss this with their physician," adds Dr. Ressler. What's more, its important to know your limits. "If your body is not ready for labor, don't push it," says Dr. Gottesfeld. Rather, be mindful. Be patient, and be present. Your baby will arrive when it's ready, whether you do exercises to induce labor or not.

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  1. The Association of Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy With Labor Onset. Iran Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2014.

  2. Breast Stimulation in Low-Risk Primigravidas at Term: Does It Aid in Spontaneous Onset of Labour and Vaginal Delivery? A Pilot Study. BioMed Research International. 2014.

  3. Castor oil, bath and/or enema for cervical priming and induction of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2013.

  4. Exercise During Pregnancy, ACOG, 2022

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