Pregnancy Labor & Delivery 10 Labor Positions to Try While Giving Birth Did you know the standard hospital labor position (reclining on the bed) isn't always ideal for delivering a baby? You can try nine other labor positions to ease discomfort during contractions. By Susan Ashmore Updated on March 27, 2024 Close Raymond Forbes LLC / Stocksy Did you know the standard hospital labor position (reclining on the bed) isn't the only one you can use? And it isn't always ideal for delivering a baby. For some pregnant people, laying on their back works just fine, but for others, it can exacerbate discomfort or impede labor. Even more important, different positions may benefit you more in different stages of labor. You don't have to stay in the same position the whole time. Instead, using different positions as your labor progresses is often recommended. From seated to standing to squatting, there are many options to experiment with. Here are 10 labor positions, including the reclining position, that you can try to ease discomfort during contractions and help your labor progress. 01 of 12 Reclining May Not be Right for Everyone Layland Masuda/Getty Images While everyone is different, for some pregnant people, the standard hospital labor position—semi- or fully reclining—is not always beneficial. Trying out other positions can help move things along. For instance, the simple act of gravity and being more upright may help the baby move down the birth canal during labor. For another thing, when you're lying on your back, your uterus compresses major blood vessels, potentially depriving the baby of oxygen and making you feel dizzy or queasy. "Most women feel better when they are not lying on their back during labor," says certified nurse-midwife Katy Dawley, PhD, CNM, director of the Institute of Midwifery at Philadelphia University in Pennsylvania. In addition, when you're reclining, the baby's head puts pressure on pelvic nerves in your sacrum, which could increase pain during contractions. Again, everyone is different and the standard position may be perfectly fine for you, especially if you have a full epidural, but if you're not feeling comfortable, let your delivery nurse know so you can experiment with other positions. Your Guide to the Different Types of Contractions During Pregnancy 02 of 12 The Benefits of Upright Labor Positions Shutterstock Some pregnant people may find staying upright is more comfortable during labor, especially during the early stages. As a bonus, it could even speed up labor too. This is because when you're in labor, remaining upright and leaning forward reduces pressure while allowing the baby's head to bear down on your cervix. As a result, dilation tends to occur more quickly. "Lying on your side, standing, sitting, walking, rocking—anything that keeps you active can help decrease pain and speed up labor," says Dawley. Other benefits of upright labor positions include: Reducing the need for medication Helping to dilate your cervix and widen your pelvic opening Facilitating a greater sense of self-confidence and self-control Stimulating stronger, more efficient, and less painful contractions Encouraging the baby's descent through the birth canal Helping to bring oxygen to the muscles in your uterus and the baby Reducing the need for episiotomy or cesarean section Creating less stress on the baby Offering distraction from labor discomfort Allowing you to adjust your position to reduce pain 03 of 12 Finding the Best Labor Position Arkom Suvarnasiri/Shutterstock It's important to remember that there isn't one best labor position for you. In fact, it's a good idea to change positions during labor so you don't develop a cramp or strain your muscles. Here are nine other effective labor positions you can learn about now so you're more prepared to try them if you'd like during labor. Keep in mind that moving around is generally only possible if you don't have an epidural or during the time before you get one; people who use a full epidural for pain management may be more limited in the positions they can choose during labor. However, a low-dose or "walking" epidural may allow you to move around and also get significant pain relief. 7 Exercises to Help Induce Labor You Can Do at Home 04 of 12 Squatting Illustration by Yeji Kim Squatting can be especially effective when you're ready to push. In fact, squatting is sometimes called the "midwife's forceps" because of its ability to work with gravity, enlarge the pelvic opening, and speed the pushing phase of labor. Try squatting supported by another person or a sturdy chair. You can also squat against a wall or between your partner's legs while they sit. 05 of 12 Sitting on a Ball Illustration by Yeji Kim Research shows that pregnant people who use a seated position tend to have a shorter second stage of labor compared with those who use other positions. Try sitting with one knee bent and the other relaxed. Don't lean too far back. When you sit, your uterus drops forward, improving the blood supply to the contracting muscles and easing pressure on your diaphragm. Use cushions or your partner for support. 06 of 12 Lunging Illustration by Yeji Kim Place one foot on a sturdy chair or stool and lean into that foot during contractions. What to Expect During the 3 Stages of Labor 07 of 12 Swaying Illustration by Yeji Kim Wrap your arms around your partner's neck or waist and sway as if you're slow dancing. This is also a great position for receiving a back rub! 08 of 12 Standing Illustration by Yeji Kim By standing upright, you let gravity aid you. During the first stage of labor, simply walking around can help things progress—but take care not to become too tired. 09 of 12 Rocking Illustration by Yeji Kim Sit on an exercise ball, the edge of the bed, or a chair. (Ask your nurse if the unit has a rocking chair you can use if you'd like!) Gently rock back and forth to ease pain during contractions. 11 Ways to Ease Contractions Without Drugs 10 of 12 Kneeling Illustration by Yeji Kim If you want to remain upright, but no longer feel comfortable walking, try kneeling on a pillow. This can help if your baby is pressing against your spine. 11 of 12 Hands and Knees Illustration by Yeji Kim If upright positions are tiring, or the contractions are too fast or overwhelming, an all-fours labor position can help. It gets gravity to work for you, slows down contractions, and eases back labor, which occurs when the baby is positioned with the back of their head pressing against the rear of your pelvis. 12 of 12 Lying on Your Side Illustration by Yeji Kim Consider trying a sideways position if you're tired or have had an epidural. It takes weight off the main blood supply to the baby and reduces tension on your perineum. If you are having a lot of back pain during labor, you can also ask your partner to apply gentle counter-pressure to your back to relieve pressure from the baby's head moving down. Have them make a fist, cover that hand with their other hand, and apply gentle pressure with both hands on your back where it hurts: labor and delivery nurse tip!) How to Take Care of a Newborn Baby Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Tell us why! Other Submit Sources Parents uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Healthy Birth Practice #5: Avoid Giving Birth on Your Back and Follow Your Body's Urge to Push. J Perinat Educ. 2014 Healthy Birth Practice #2: Walk, Move Around, and Change Positions Throughout Labor. J Perinat Educ. 2019. Approaches to Limit Intervention During Labor and Birth. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 2019. Alternative Birthing Positions Compared to the Conventional Position in the Second Stage of Labor: A Review. Cureus. 2023. Comparative study on the influence of three delivery positions on pain intensity during the second stage of labor. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2016. Examining the impact of upright and recumbent positions on labor outcomes in Saudi Arabia: A quasi-experiment. Belitung Nurs J. 2022. Influence of Laboring People's Mobility and Positional Changes on Birth Outcomes in Low-Dose Epidural Analgesia Labor: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2023. A review and comparison of common maternal positions during the second-stage of labor. Int J Nurs Sci. 2019.